Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Facework and not Facebook Lagos State tells workers


As practiced in most corporate organizations, social media network sites (Facebook, twitter, badoo, linkedin etc) are not allowed to be accessed on their corporate network. In the case that they do, it is restricted to a certain time of the day; usually from 4:00pm (or non-productive time of the organization).
Lagos State Government has joined our corporate organizations to bar its workers from using Facebook, Twitter and others.Staff are still allowed to access their personal mail like Yahoo and Gmail.

Workers who had attempted to log into their Facebook accounts on Monday were surprised when a login window popped up with inscription "Lagos State Internet User Portal".

A staff who spoke under anonymity, said government may have be pushed to take the harsh decision as some staff spent most part of the day on social networks rather than carry out their official duties. "Some staff use the office computer systems to chat on Facebook, twitter rather than doing their jobs when they come to work. Some come as early as 7:00am just to come and access Facebook and chat with their friends.

1 comment:

  1. Not bad anyway ,just for some seriousness in the civil service
