Tuesday, 31 July 2012

HOW TO: Fix a DRIVE that cannot open on DOUBLE CLICK

Welcome to the "HOW TO" segment of this blog. This segment will feature ways to fix computers, phones, tips and tricks etc.

Have you ever had problem opening your drive partitions or external drive with a mouse double click? Most times when i try to open my drive (external disk especially), instead of the drive opening, i get a dialog box with "Open With". Yea! I know most times we work around it and open the drive at the end of the day but the fact that you drive cannot open with a mouse double click is a problem caused by a VIRUS.

The Virus usually creates a file named autorun.inf (a read only file and usually hidden) in the root directory which blocks and restrict access to drives. When you open any drive, this file initiates all the activities of the virus.
 The STEPS after the cut show how to delete the autorun.inf and get double click access to your drive.
1. Click Start => Run => Type CMD ( launch command prompt)
2. Type C: or E: (or the alphabet for your drive) and press ENTER
3. Type CD\ (this command takes you to the root directory of your Drive Partition)
4. Type attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf (This command will remove the READ ONLY (r), SYSTEM FILE (s) and    HIDDEN (h) attribute of autorun.inf
5. Type del autorun.inf (this will remove the file)
6. Restart your computer and YIPPIE!!! you can double click to access your information.

Watch Out for More TIPS on HOW TO


  1. Yes ,av been longing for dis.....thanks

    1. Yea, i also did for a long time until i was compelled to find a solution.
